Archive for May 7th, 2007


Awkward Conversations With Guatemalans

May 7, 2007

A couple months ago I was visiting my client’s office, and we were discussing a large format poster that our company was developing for them.  As we reviewed the scale model comps, we had the following exchange:

Client: This is really nice, I really like this.

Me: Thanks – we would have fedexed up the full size comp, but it’s currently housing a family of Guatemalans.

Client: I’m from Guatemala.

Me: Excellent – then you know it will fit when it finally arrives.

I can’t begin to dissect where things went wrong there.  I mean, upon review, it’s clear this isn’t ideal client/vendor dialog, and I feel like even though it takes two to have a conversation, I might be more than 50% to blame for any awkwardness.  At first, I spent some good long hours thinking about myself, and how I might change my behavior to avoid a repeat of any unpleasantness in the future.  But then just this Friday I had an excellent breakthrough with the LBC’s nanny (we call her Nanny Butterfingers, because she once dropped our baby), who, it happens, is from Guatemala.  The following is an unedited transcript, with the inner monologue of each participant italicized for clarity.

Me: Any plans for the weekend?

Nanny Butterfingers: Yes, my family is planning a big party –

Me: Oh! For Cinco de Mayo, right?

NB: No. I’m from Guatemala, you stupid Gringo.  We don’t celebrate Cinco de Mayo.  Jesus you are ignorant.  I may drop your baby a second time. We’re having a big family reunion in September, and we’re planning it this weekend.

Me: Ah, I see.  Oh crap – she probably thinks I said Cinco de Mayo because I think all Latin peoples celebrate it.  That’s totally not true, I said it because it’s a big event this weekend and lots of people are having parties for it.  I wonder if I should say anything.

I didn’t say anything, however, and there was a long awkward pause culminating in me handing her the LBC & silently heading off to work.

And that’s when I realized, Guatemalan people make for awkward conversation.  It must be something about their culture, somehow stuff gets lost in translation.  Oh well, glad I solved that issue!