
Pioneertown Yes, Integratron No

June 17, 2008

Pioneertown is a movie set built in the Mojave desert in the 1940s for quickly shooting crappy Westerns; eventually, they stopped making movies there but by then locals had moved in, turning the crappy facades into actual homes, and people have lived there ever since. This was all I needed to hear to send Patrick & I on yet another road trip out the 10 FWY East. Hat tip, by the way, to the good folks @ Ask Metafilter who suggested this trip.

After Pioneertown, we hit up the Integratron, an “acoustically perfect tabernacle and energy machine sited on a powerful geomagnetic vortex in the magical Mojave Desert.” Based on that description I have no idea what the Integratron is or does, and sadly I still don’t, as it was booked for a private party that day, and will have to wait for the next time I am one hundred and thirty seven miles away from my home and wandering the mojave desert in need of a geomagnetic acoustic vortex.

Finally, the day wrapped up with a quick stop @ Tio’s Tacos and outrageous folk art museum in downtown Riverside, where my digital camera ran out of batteries before I could document the really bizarre sculpture garden weirdness.

For details of the entire event, please feel free to click through to this Flickr set I made of the journey.


  1. How’s this for timing?


  2. That’s really awesome, thanks for sending that my way. One note, though – the article doesn’t put enough emphasis on how crappy it is to drive out there and find it closed.

  3. Actually, it sounds like the only thing crappier than driving all the way there and finding it closed is driving all the way there, finding it open and wasting a half hour on a “sound bath.”

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